Ballets Confidentiels did many parcours, as choreograpic pop-up
pieces, from 5min to 45min, all terrain, were performed all over paris and the banlieue.
in apartment, bureau, parking, bar, gardens, museums...
52 performances all over Paris!
Ballets Confidentiels was performing at Paris Quartier D'été 2016. We played 10 different pieces out of the repertoire (Visions of Miles, Beats, Two Women and a Drummer, Les Iris,...) all over Paris (Picasso Museum, Gennevilliers, Jardin des Tuileries, Bibliothèque Historique, living rooms,...) from 15 July to 6 August 2016.
Also, our new creation had its première, Framed, a co-production from Moving Feet, Joji Inc and Paris Quartier D'été.
Ballets Confidentiels was performing together with Guida Ines Mauricio, Different Fountains, Richard Dubelski and Mathieu Calleja.
Supported by the Flemish Government.
Thank you to Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles à Paris.
Check out the complete program here.

Genneviliers © Maxime BESSIERES

Genneviliers © Maxime BESSIERES

Genneviliers © Maxime BESSIERES

Genneviliers © Maxime BESSIERES

Genneviliers © Maxime BESSIERES

Genneviliers © Maxime BESSIERES

Genneviliers © Maxime BESSIERES

Genneviliers © Maxime BESSIERES
40 Years STIB/MIVB Brussels
To celebrate their 40th anniversary the STIB/MIVB organised an art festival underground! Ballets Confidentiels was invited to join other artists and perform at several metro stations during several days. Pieces with voice and music under the city of Brussels were a total surprise for the passenger and visitor.
Check out complete program here.

Foto: mathieu Golinvaux

Foto: mathieu Golinvaux

Foto: mathieu Golinvaux

Foto: mathieu Golinvaux

Foto: mathieu Golinvaux

Metro Parc


In Search of Akarova
Parcours for the city of Brussels
A parcours inspired by the life of the dancer Marguerite Acarin who was born in the thirties and called herself Akarova. We designed a trail through the city that leads you through Akarova's life.
From 30 April to 11 June you could meet us every sunday in the city, performances and pop-ups each time a different piece at a different location!
With Johanne Saunier, Ine Claes, Guida Inês Mauricio, Different Fountains, Joâo Lobo and Mathieu Calleja.
"Op zoek naar Akarova" is a project by Moving Feet vzw, with the support of the city of Brussels and the Brussels Hoofstedelijk Gewest.
Thank you to CC Jacques Franck.

met de steun van Ans Persoons, schepen van Nederlandstalige aangelegenheden, Wijkcontracten en Participatie
avec le soutien d’Ans Persoons, échevine des Affaires néerlandophones, Contrats de quartier et de la Participation

met de steun van het Kabinet van minister Pascal Smet, minister van Mobiliteit en Openbare Werken
avec le soutien du Cabinet du ministre Pascal Smet, ministre de la Mobilité et des Travaux Publics

©Rony Vissers

©Alexandre Barcellos

©Alexandre Barcellos

©Alexandre Barcellos
Un jour à la campagne
A one day parcours at the Festival Antigel in Switzerland, where the public followed Ballets Confidentiels on 5 performances outdoor in a countryside town.

© Jonathan Levy

© Jonathan Levy

© Jonathan Levy

© Jonathan Levy